Veterans Day is a celebration to honor America’s military veterans for their service and sacrifice for the common good. It’s a great day to have a party and bring veterans from all eras together.
Here is the blurb:The Veterans of Foreign Wars New Haven Post 12150 is organizing a Veterans Day Social! at the New Haven Elks Lodge #25, to honor and celebrate the service and sacrifice of all American military veterans. Veterans and a guest, including students from the VFW, American Legion, DAV, SCSU, UNH, Yale, Quinnipiac, Albertus Magnus, Gateway, Glastonbury Marine Corps League, and auxiliaries are welcome. Cash bar, good fun, free parking after 5 p.m. in the Wall Street lot, and possibly free pizza for this traditional event. #VFWNewHaven #SVA #veterans
About 30 veterans and guests showed up at the event. One veteran read about it in the New Haven Register, other people were from the post, and others were invited to enjoy. There was limited student involvement from the area colleges (Yale, SCSU) whereas there was at the fundraiser in the evening in October.
Plan: The VFW would organize a social event at a local social club and provide pizza.
Outcome: The VFW organized a social event at the Elks and provided pizza after 5.
Sustains: Abate Pizza and Seafood $82.95 (129 Wooster, Nancy: 203-776-4334) we ordered two, full sheet pizzas (mozzarella and double sausage (only four slices left) at 5:00 p.m. with plates and napkins. Cash bar.
Improves: Change from 3 to 7 p.m.; consider asking Abates for subsidy or donation; mention meters are free on Veterans Day; Have a Buddy Poppy Display at the venue;
I had 20 Buddy Poppy bunches in my pocket and distributed them at the New Haven town ceremony where many of the participants wore the poppies. That small gesture resonated with many present and a practice that should be reproduced.
Overall: a successful outing.
- Made JPEG and PDF flyer of event with dominant graphic. Found corresponding horizontal JPEG.
- Made Eventbrite page for event.
- Linked to Facebook from Eventbrite.
- Linked to Twitter.
- Used Eventbrite URL on flyer and press releases
- Sent emails to Register, Independent, and calendar sections
- Sent emails to colleges, personal email list, promoted on Facebook (no boost)