UPDATE: 20190201 This by-law proposal M-13 was not accepted after the staff recommended rejection at the 2017 national convention; however, it went to a standing vote. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOwtBVJGtQQ). Subsequently, the VFWStore.org offered Charter Member pins instead of the proposed tabs.
by Charles M. Pickett
Public Relations
A couple of the members went to purchase their VFW Uniform Caps. They got an email saying that “Charter Member” wasn’t authorized. I looked at the Manual of Procedure and after some discussion, decided to write a proposed amendment to update the section and include “charter member” as an option–an option we saw at the Connecticut state convention and thought was a grand idea.
Proposed Amendment to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Manual of Procedure and Ritual
WHEREAS, in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Manual of Procedure, Article VIII, Sec. 803, Cap., it details that “A cap of overseas type, lettered with VFW initials, Post numerals, state, rank of office (when applicable), and bearing the Cross of Malta emblem, shall be the regulation cap to be worn with or without the uniform. The color shall be green, shade 51. Lettering on each cap shall be in gold.
WHEREAS, the VFW uniform cap fosters esprit de corps in the VFW and it is an honored symbol representing the proud traditions of the VFW and American veterans.
WHERAS, a number of optional patches and lettering are available through the VFW Store, are widely accepted, but are not specified in the Manual of Procedure. These optional patches include the Life Membership Patch, Legacy Life Membership Patch, Continuous Membership Patch, and Continuous Membership Bars. The optional and additional lettering includes city name, post name, years of office, Veterans of Foreign Wars spelled out, Life Member spelled out, and Charter Member spelled out. Because of the importance of the VFW uniform cap, the published standard should be revised to reflect these de facto standards while protecting the integrity of the uniform.
BE IT RESOLVED, Section 803 should be amended: “A cap of overseas type, lettered with VFW initials, Post numerals, state, rank of office (when applicable), and bearing the Cross of Malta emblem, shall be the regulation cap to be worn with or without the uniform. Optional membership patches and lettering such as city name, post name, years of office, Veterans of Foreign Wars spelled out, Life Member spelled out, and Charter Member spelled out (must correspond with the Post numerals on cap) are authorized when applicable. The color shall be green, shade 51. Lettering on each cap shall be in gold.