ANSWER: Totally Prohibited.
At a recent post meeting, a comrade made a point of order just before elections were opened in new business. The comrade made a point of order that “proxy votes are allowed.”
In the 2023 VFW Podium Edition of the Manual of Procedure, Article I – Members, Section 217 – Nomination, Election, Installation and Term of Office, Election, it says: “Absentee ballots and proxy votes are prohibited” (72).
In the meeting the point was correctly ruled, “not well taken.”
This is not new and it was unfortunate because the young VFW member walked out of the meeting and probably the organization. However, if a point of order is to be made, quote the current bylaws, ask for a ruling from the judge advocate, or tactfully make the point with a collaborative spirit and set aside “petty jealousies or trivial personalities.”
Lastly, if absentee ballots and proxy votes are allowed in a post’s bylaws, they are in clear conflict with the VFW national bylaws and if challenged, “fall to the floor.”