Is your town “veteran friendly” or “veteran adverse?”
Veterans are civic assets that can build strong communities for a vibrant society. Studies indicate that “veterans are volunteering, voting, and getting involved in their communities at rates higher than their non-veteran counterparts” and play a pivotal role in strengthening civic health (NCOC).
That said, what does a thriving veteran community look like? Using the Tolerance Scale developed by Korn Ferry (appreciation, acceptance, tolerance, avoidance, and repulsion), what does it look like when veterans are appreciated by the community?
In no order, here are some possible indicators arranged by purposes (patriotic; social welfare; social and recreational activities) :
- Patriotic:
- Veterans Day Parade
- Veterans Day Ceremony
- Veterans Day Breakfast
- Memorial Day Parade
- Memorial Day Ceremony
- Memorial Day Decorating (flags on gravestones)
- Fourth of July Events (fireworks)
- Historical Events (tours, book readings)
- Military Events (re-enactments)
- Military Museum (local history)
- Memorial Beautifications
- Flag Retirement Ceremonies
- Veteran News in Local Media (meetings, profiles, announcements)
- Blessing of the Fleet
- Patriotic Concerts
- Musters
- Social Welfare > For veterans:
- Veteran-serving organizations
- Veteran-focused nonprofits
- Community Service Providers
- Reintegration Services (trinity: employment, education, well-being)
- Community Veteran Service Officer
- Veteran Business Directory
- VA Workshops (VBA, VHA)
- Social Welfare > By veterans:
- Activity Spaces & Meeting Rooms
- Blood Drives
- Job Fairs (DOL, local employers)
- Business Fair (Chamber, local veteran businesses)
- Wellness Fair (VA, local providers)
- Hosting Meeting Space (conference room, classroom, other organizations)
- Emergency Shelter (relief, cooling off station, heating, fire, National Guard staging, food distribution, homeless shelter)
- Sponsoring Government Activities (voting, political forum, public meetings)
- Military Recruiting Activities
- Clinics (medical, dental, computer labs)
- Sponsoring or Participating in:
- Youth Activities (scouts, sports, etc.)
- Senior Activities (bingo, trips, entertainment)
- Group Activities (support groups, peer groups, Toastmasters, etc.)
- Park Beautifications
- Direct Action/Donation (clean up yard, utilities payment)
- Exercise (yoga, hikes, boating, dance lessons, etc.)
- Hospital or Nursing Home (visits, entertainment, support)
- Activity Spaces & Meeting Rooms
- Social and Recreational:
- Fundraisers (charity, operating, veteran-focused, etc.)
- Farmers Market
- Agricultural Fairs / Festival (pumpkin)
- Community Celebrations
- Car Shows
- Street Food Festival
- Driveway Tag Sale
- Veteran Coffee Club
- Veteran Breakfast Club
- Award Dinners (Public Safety, Youth & Education)
- Formals / Dances
- Seasonal Events (Christmas party, Summer Cookout)
- Veteran Meals
- Happy Hours
- Hall rentals (retirement dinners, personal functions)
- Art Center / Art Shows
- Summer Camp
- Yard Games (cornhole tournament, horseshoes)
- Outdoor fire pit
- Teen Center
- Game Night
- Wine Tastings
- Clambakes
- RV Parking
- Entertainment (movies, fireworks, performances, etc.)
- Range Day
- Gun Shows
- Cooking Classes / BBQ Pit
- Baby Showers
- Bachelor Parties
- Fashion Show
Other indicators of a thriving veteran community:
- Local discounts (gym, food)
- Veteran parking
- Billboards expressing appreciation
- Well-kept veteran “space”
- Color Guard
- Funeral Honor Guard
- Wakes / Receptions
- Getting input from veterans on town decisions