50/50 Raffle: We’re aiming to sell 100 tickets tonight, that means you can win $50! The more we sell the more you can win.
Silent Auction: Items, write up, auction sheet. Buy Now! option. Good for pre-event social marketing.
Silent Auction Raffle: Items, clear containers (so people can see chances at winning item). People inspect the items and drop a ticket in the corresponding container.
Bidding Numbers: Instead of filling out tickets with endless information, issue bidding numbers to attendees and write the number on both tickets–verify winner with ticket number.
Door Prizes
Gift Card Frenzy:
- Jim likes to start off by asking something like, “We have a $100 gift card to XYZ Steakhouse! If we were to give this away to someone, would that truly benefit XYZ Charity?” The audience strongly yells, “No! Of course not!!!” “But if someone were to go above and beyond; if they were to give ridiculously generously for this gift card, would that help XYZ Charity?”, “Of course!”
- At a recent event, we offered the Gift Card Frenzy in the middle of the live auction. We started off with a $100 gift card to a well-known local restaurant. We asked anyone interested in taking home this $100 gift card “for only $50” to raise their bid card. Of course, many, many cards went up quite enthusiastically. We then asked for $75, and just a few cards went down. Then we asked for $100, and a few more went down. The “wow” moment for everyone was when we asked, “Who will give $125 for this $100 gift card to benefit XYZ Charity?” and EIGHT bid cards remained in the air! Energy and applause filled the room, and we kept increasing by $25 until there was one bid card left up, and they gave $300 for the $100 gift card!
Works Cited