UPDATED (July 20, 2017): Event planning and promotion is a confusing, multi-step process but roughly follows the same workflow every time; but, it takes longer than you think. Here are some notes on what I do (or should do) to better plan and promote events that can be divided into planning, packaging, and publishing.EZEvents (notes):
- Food: breaking bread “hors d’oevers and cash bar”
- Fun: entertainment, screenings, free stuff, raffles
- Fame: prizes, certificate of appreciation,
- Fellowship: share stories, church, club, break-out sessions
- Education: attending is emotional; education is logical and punches up a program.
- PLAN Event and work out the 5W & 1H
- PACKAGE Write Press Release draft
- In Word, one page on post stationery (PDF)
- Put “For Immediate Release” top left and editor: Calendar, Events, Clubs, News
- Put POC right below (email and Google Voice number)
- Put all 5Ws in lead, briefly
- Write to persuade audience to attend
- Generate or get a quote from post officer for third paragraphs to explain why
- A quote adds credibility to an article
- Remember to address the “so what” and “who cares”
- Proofread, Times 12 or 10.
- If space, include the “About the VFW” boilerplate.
- Make Flyer/Graphics
- Find images that will support the message
- Vertical images for webpage, flyers (full letter page)
- Horizontal images for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Eventbrite
- Visual hook must be identifiable from 10 feet away
- Save space for Eventbrite URL
- 8.5 x 11 flyer (bleed add 1/8 bleed; 1/8 (.125) safe margin inside cut size for print)
- Make Color PDF for 133 lpi or desktop printing (color flyers; create images)
- Make B&W PDF for 133 lpi for desktop printing (flyers)
- Make Color JPG for online graphics
- (NOTE JPG: photos; PNG: transparent; SVG: graphics)
- From Color PDF, create 2160×1080 (2:1 ratio) JPEG for Eventbrite
- It may have to be custom made to fit event title
- Facebook (NOTE: timeline 476×714); Shared Link (467×249); Square 476 x 476
- Find images that will support the message
- Create EventBrite.com page [ALL TRAFFIC directed to this page]
- Fill out forms
- Create ticket
- Generate event.eventbrite.com URL, put minor details in FAQ
- Do NOT publish at this point
- Go back and revise press release or graphics if needed
- Create VFWNewHaven.org post [for media, press release, archives]
- Create post with press release, PDF of flyer, JPEG of flyer
- Save as draft or schedule
- Add Eventbrite URL
- Make Eventbrite event live
- Make VFWNewHaven.org post live
- VFWNewhaven.org (EventBrite button) on main page
- Social Media
- Add to Facebook feature in Eventbrite to main Facebook Page
- Share to Greater New Haven Veterans Association
- Share to Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Connecticut Facebook
- Instantgram
- Traditional Media (email bulk, forms for specific outlets)
- Register
- Courant
- Bridgeport Post
- Independent (calendar)
- * Use Contact Group and BCC Emails
- * Fill out submission forms to individual outlets
- Flyers
- Email
- Members (MailChimp)
- Stakeholders
- Colleges
- Phone Calls Direct Appeals
- Publish Emails
- MailChimp
- Email announcement to members (download fresh membership CSV)
- Email stakeholders (town, peer organizations)
- Email community members (SVA/college contact)
- MailChimp
- Publish to Traditional Media (email, forms)
- Newspapers
- Online News
- Radio
- TV/Cable
- Community calend