Event Planning and Promotion

UPDATED (July 20, 2017): Event planning and promotion is a confusing, multi-step process but roughly follows the same workflow every time; but, it takes longer than you think. Here are some notes on what I do (or should do) to better plan and promote events that can be divided into planning, packaging, and publishing.EZEvents (notes):

  1. Food: breaking bread “hors d’oevers and cash bar”
  2. Fun: entertainment, screenings, free stuff, raffles
  3. Fame: prizes, certificate of appreciation, 
  4. Fellowship: share stories, church, club, break-out sessions
  5. Education: attending is emotional; education is logical and punches up a program. 


  1. PLAN Event and work out the 5W & 1H
  2. PACKAGE Write Press Release draft
    1. In Word, one page on post stationery (PDF)
    2. Put “For Immediate Release” top left and editor: Calendar, Events, Clubs, News
    3. Put POC right below (email and Google Voice number)
    4. Put all 5Ws in lead, briefly
    5. KISS
    6. Write to persuade audience to attend
    7. Generate or get a quote from post officer for third paragraphs to explain why
      1. A quote adds credibility to an article
    8. Remember to address the “so what” and “who cares”
    9. Proofread, Times 12 or 10.
    10. If space, include the “About the VFW” boilerplate.
  3. Make Flyer/Graphics
    1. Find images that will support the message
      1. Vertical images for webpage, flyers (full letter page)
      2. Horizontal images for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Eventbrite
    1. Visual hook must be identifiable from 10 feet away
    2. Save space for Eventbrite URL
    3. 8.5 x 11 flyer (bleed add 1/8 bleed; 1/8 (.125) safe margin inside cut size for print)
    4. Make Color PDF for 133 lpi or desktop printing (color flyers; create images)
    5. Make B&W PDF for 133 lpi for desktop printing (flyers)
    6. Make Color JPG for online graphics
      1. (NOTE JPG: photos; PNG: transparent; SVG: graphics)
    7. From Color PDF, create 2160×1080 (2:1 ratio) JPEG for Eventbrite
      1. It may have to be custom made to fit event title
    8. Facebook (NOTE: timeline 476×714); Shared Link (467×249); Square 476 x 476
  4. Create EventBrite.com page [ALL TRAFFIC directed to this page]
    1. Fill out forms
    2. Create ticket
    3. Generate event.eventbrite.com URL, put minor details in FAQ
    4. Do NOT publish at this point
    5. Go back and revise press release or graphics if needed
  5. Create VFWNewHaven.org post [for media, press release, archives]
    1. Create post with press release, PDF of flyer, JPEG of flyer
    2. Save as draft or schedule
    3. Add Eventbrite URL
    1. Make Eventbrite event live
    2. Make VFWNewHaven.org post live
    3. VFWNewhaven.org (EventBrite button) on main page
  7. Social Media
    1. Add to Facebook feature in Eventbrite to main Facebook Page
    2. Share to Greater New Haven Veterans Association
    3. Share to Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Connecticut Facebook
    4. Twitter
    5. Instantgram
    6. LinkedIn
  8. Traditional Media (email bulk, forms for specific outlets)
    1. Register
    2. Courant
    3. Bridgeport Post
    4. Independent (calendar)
    5. * Use Contact Group and BCC Emails
    6. * Fill out submission forms to individual outlets
  9. Flyers
    1. Print
  10. Email
    1. Members (MailChimp)
    2. Stakeholders
    3. Colleges
  11. Phone Calls Direct Appeals


  1. Publish Emails
    1. MailChimp
      1. Email announcement to members (download fresh membership CSV)
      2. Email stakeholders (town, peer organizations)
      3. Email community members (SVA/college contact)
  2. Publish to Traditional Media (email, forms)
    1. Newspapers
    2. Online News
    3. Radio
    4. TV/Cable
    5. Community calend

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