VFW New Haven Unique Selling Proposition

What is the Unique Selling Proposition of the VFW New Haven and is it clearly articulated on the main page of our website?

Our USP should be something like: Join the VFW New Haven to connect with ‘your people,’ continue to serve America, be part of something bigger, and protect veterans. 


  • -connecting and having fun with people like you is healthy and fulfilling and helps with transitions and bad times. We can always use some more friends.
  • – service to others is one way to battle loneliness and is part of leading a good life
  • – making a difference speaks to self-worth. At one time, all veterans radically changed their lives to make a difference in this world.  Additionally, being part of something bigger that is a force for good is part of leading a valuable life.
  • –  protect and defend is a phrase that resonates with veterans, especially when it is applied to helping fellow veterans

With a diverse roster of Post-9/11 veterans, we are proudly building a “new generation” VFW post in the largest, oldest, and the most powerful war veterans service organization in America.

To bring veterans together, to take care of each other, and to continue to serve our communities and country.

♦ Connect with veterans of overseas conflicts. We march in parades, raise money, organize outings, and we have fun.

♦ Continue to serve America. We’ve raised thousands for veteran-focused charities, while directly helping our members get jobs, connect with VA resources, and overcome emergencies.

♦ Join a “happy few” of the 2.8 million veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan (and Vietnam, Korea, and Kosovo) who continue to want to make a difference in this world.

♦ Support veterans, service members and their families. Help protect the generous benefits Americans have granted her defenders by partnering with the VFW New Haven.

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