The Khe Sanh Remembrance #VetHike and Ceremony will commemorate the 50-year anniversary of the start of The Battle of Khe Sanh, with a six-mile New Haven Harbor hike, culminating in a brief ceremony at the V statue at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park on Long Wharf Drive at approximately 1200.
Vietnam War Veteran Dennis Mannion will be the featured speaker. The former Sheehan High School English teacher served on Hill 861 as an Artillery Forward Observer.The commemoration will recall and show respect for the Americans who fought in the longest battle during the Vietnam war with an invocation and brief speech. Attendees should arrive no later than 1200 for the culminating commemorative event.
Hikers will assemble at the V no later than 0905. Hikers will carpool to the Lighthouse Point Park rally point (Amarante’s Sea Cliff is alternate rally point) and move by foot, crossing SP NLT 0930 (parking area) and returning to the Release Point (the V) NLT 1200.
There will be no service, medical, or straggler support. SOP: no alcohol, no angry dogs, no whining, and no partisan political apparel. Uniform is comfortable but military-themed outerwear is encouraged. POC is Pickett. Monitor @VFWNewHaven on Facebook for updates.
Routes: Lighthouse Road, Townsend Ave. Woodward Ave. East Shore Park, Connecticut Ave., Alabama St., Waterfront St., Forbes Ave., Water St. East St., Long Wharf Dr. (keep water on your left).