NEW HAVEN, CONN. (Dec. 1, 2016)–The Veterans of Foreign Wars New Haven Post 12150 has launched an All-American Membership Drive, seeking to reach more of the 48,000 estimated veterans in the greater New Haven region for their growing veteran community.
“Our core mission,” said post Commander Charles M. Pickett, “is to bring veterans together, to look out for each other, and to continue to serve our country. The Elm City is now fortunate to have an active, young, diverse, and forward-thinking VFW post where veterans can make new friends and be a part of something bigger.”
With a roster of mostly Post-9/11 combat veterans, the “new generation” VFW New Haven has become the largest veterans service organization in the Elm City, drawing many members from local universities and the Connecticut National Guard. The post organizes and supports numerous social, service, and charitable programs and events, despite not having a post home. Pickett said, “we do a lot of stuff, and we have a lot of fun.”
While the membership drive seeks to reach military veterans from all conflicts, there is a special emphasis on new, student, and transitioning veterans who may have never considered the benefits of joining a veteran community.
“Many of our members join to connect with fellow veterans,” Pickett said. “These connections make life easier and less lonely for returning, established, and senior veterans who want to be with ‘their people’ every once in a while, benefitting them and our greater Elm City community.”
To join the VFW, a veteran must be a U.S. citizen, served under honorable conditions, and served in a foreign war. For more details go to the Membership page on