NEW HAVEN, CONN (April 2, 2016)–Members from the “new generation” Veterans of Foreign Wars New Haven Post 12150 will conduct a Membership Meetup on Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Community Program Room of the Mitchell Branch Library (37 Harrison St., New Haven). This informal meetup will feature free coffee and information on the largest combat veterans organization in America, and focus on recruiting new members and on how the VFW New Haven benefits Elm City veterans and the greater New Haven community. There is free street and lot parking.
ABOUT THE VFW NEW HAVEN: With no post home but a freshly-printed charter and a roster full of Post-9/11 veterans, the VFW New Haven is building a “new generation” VFW from the ground up. The post has quickly become the largest veterans service organization in New Haven and one of the fastest growing in Connecticut. VFW New Haven Post 12150 meets the second Thursday of the month at 7:10 p.m. at the New Haven Elks Lodge No. 25 (524 State St.). To join, a veteran must have served honorably, served in a foreign war, and be a U.S. citizen.
ABOUT THE VFW: The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is a nonprofit veterans service organization composed of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces. The VFW and Auxiliaries are dedicated to veterans’ service, legislative advocacy, and military and community service programs.