NEW HAVEN, CONN. (March 13, 2022)–After a two-year COVID-19 pandemic break, the New Haven Veterans marched in the 2022 Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Marine veterans and sisters Thania Rivera and Biancesca Rivera led the combined group of VFW New Haven Post 12150 and the American Legion New Haven Post 210. Fifteen veterans, friends, and family members survived the freezing cold and windy late-winter parade day.
Color Guard Captain and Legion Chaplain Britt Conroy, VFW Officer of the Day Bryan Standish, and Legion Sergeant-at-Arms Mark Osenko carried our nation’s colors and Post Banners. It was the first time the two newly-purchased banners were used. Additionally, VFW New Haven Quartermaster Derek Torrellas was guidon bearer for VFW and Legion Commander Charles M. Pickett.
Facebook Live (New Haven Veterans at 1:10)