NHVets.us combined calendar for VFW New Haven Post 12150 and American Legion New Haven Post 210 .
The American Legion
American Legion Auxiliary
Sons of The American Legion
Department Dinner
Aquu turf 556 Mulherry St., Plantsville CT
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Cash Bar Social 1:00 PM Dinner 1:45 PM
$55.00 pp Dress is Legion Casual/Business Casual
FAMILY STYLE DINNER Salado Pasta, Roast Beef, Chicken Katherine, Potatoes, Vegetable, Rolls/Butter, Coffee & Tea. If any special Dietary needs, please contact Karen Thompson at 203-233-0956 Make checks payable to: The American Legion Dept. of CT No Reservations Accepted After Deadline of November 1,2024 Dinner Reservations to The American Legion, Dept. of Connecticut 864 Wethersfield Avenue Hartfordo CT 06114 Department Testimonial Check enclosed in the amount of $ Name for reservations. ($ 550.00 for table of10) District # Address City/Town Phone: ( Post # Unit # )
NHVets.us is an umbrella association of New Haven veteran service organizations seeking to coordinate activities and pool resources.